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Gt #004 traveller. interview2 Masakatsu Shimoda
Masakatsu Shimoda
Born in 1967. An up and coming artist who spends his life travelling aroud the world and draws portraits of people he meets. He has alsopublished a book "Private World",
a picture book "Soranoiro Mizuiro", etc as well as having numerous contributions to magazines and books.
1967年生まれ。世界の街角で作品を描き続ける気鋭のアーティスト。著書に「PRAVATE WORLD」(山と渓谷社)、絵本「そらのいろみずいろ」(小峰書房)。
A Japanese artist, Masakatsu Shimoda published
"Private World", a book which compiles portraits of people he drew throughout his two year's trip around the world. What was supposed to be one month for his first trip overseas ended up as two years of long term travel. Such an unbelievable trip....

It was initially meant to be a trip to go to Shanghai by a ship called "JIAN ZHEN" which I had always wanted to be on board, eat tons of Peking duck in Shanghai, then hang out in Hong Kong and basically spend 1 million Yen of all my savings I made from a part time job. But while I was in Shanghai, I came across the name of a town called "Xiahe" and was very much intrigued, so I decided to go there. On the way back, I came across an English traveller in Lanzhou and heard about Tibet so I headed for Tibet. Luckily I had no reason to go back to Japan at that time. After that I decided to go to Nepal as I did not feel like taking the same, long and bumpy bus trip back to Tibet. So I kept travelling from one place to another like this. I had never imagined of going to India or Europe. I would never have gone to Europe if I did not buy a world atlas in Kathmandu because Japanese world atlas always had Japan in the middle but the one I bought had "Europe" in the middle so I had to go there!

You travelled as mind goes for two years.
Do you look back upon the trip and what think?

Asian countries I visited (excluding Japan) do not have the same standard of living as big cities and I found that interesting. Once you move from one place to another place in Asia, you see a completely different world every time. The people and the cities were full of energy too. I particularly liked Nepal. Cities like Paris and London are quite similar to Tokyo in terms of their convenience. While I was there, I felt more like I lived there because generally, people have the same convenient standard of living in big cities. In the midst of my trip, I had one time where I felt so frustrated of not being able to be impressed with anything I saw and was thinking of going home. But I still insisted on continuing my trip hoping that I would still find something. And so I found things. I could say that my intuition brought me to all the places including Europe and I think such intuition makes travelling very interesting.
似顔絵を描きながら旅した2年間をまとめた「PRIVATE WORLD」を昨年出版したアーティスト・下田昌克さん。初めて手にしたパスポートで、1ヶ月の予定が




「PRAVATE WORLD」本体価格 2200円(山と渓谷社)
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