here and there
Yoshiyuki Hata
Gt#001 #002 #003 #004
Gt #005 We love book. interview1 nieves
The tiny independent Swiss publisher.
The tiny tiny Swiss publisher nieves, run by just members of two, has been introducing unlimited potential of publication with their love and full of ideas.GENEVEtokyo popped into their exhibition at Rocket Gallery in Tokyo to see Benjamin, the member of nieves, this January.

◎ Please introduce yourself and tell us
how you came about setting up "nieves"?

I am Benjamin Sommerhalder. nieves was started together with Lex Trueb in the year 2001.
In the beginning we wanted to have a publishing company to jointly bring out the magazines we were doing at the time, 100 magazine by Lex, zoo magazine by myself.
This ideachanged when I published chapter 2 with Andro Wekua and Rita Ackermann in 2003 as the first nieves book. Now our magazines werenユt as important as before and the focus startedto shift towards books and small zines. Around that time I took over nieves and Lex wasfocussing more on his other work. Last year I started to publish zines - photocopied A5books - 3 issues each month called the nieves zine series.

◎ What does "nieves" mean?
Why did you decide to have it as a publisher's name?

Nieves is spanish and means snow, it is also a surname and family name. As of why we chose nieves as a publisher's name is "what's a secret", quite a silly one you can trust me.

◎ What is the crucial aspect and concept
when you make a book?

Hat I am fond of what the person is doing. After that I think of how to integrate the book into the concept of the publishing program and if this fits with the artist and what he or she is doing. Right now the publishing program consists of the zines, the magazines, the catalogues and the books (and the non printed items). Last year the focus was clearly on the zines, this year it is on the catalogues and books.

◎ Please tell us about your favourite book of nieves.

I guess all of them are my favorites really. There are times this one is my favorite and there are times that one is my favorite. Sometimes an old publication suddenly feels very fresh again. Right now it sure is chapter 2 as this is the book it all started, the zine series but also the book by PAM.

Chapter 2

◎ What are you plans for the near future?

There's some nice publications coming up.

◎ Thank you very much! We all look forward to see a lot of amazing books coming out from you.

スイスにある小さな小さな出版社「nieves」。メンバーはたったのふたりです。でも、そこから生まれるものは無尽蔵、本に対する愛情やアイデアに溢れています。今年はじめ、Rocket gallery(東京)での個展のために来日していたメンバーのBenjaminにGENEVEtokyoが会いに行ってきました。

◎ 自己紹介と「nieves」を始めたきっかけについて

Benjamin Sommerhalderです。nievesは2001年にLex Truebと二人で一緒に始めました。最初は僕が作っていた雑誌「zoo magazine」と、Lexが作っていた「100 magazine」を売り出していけるような出版社にしようと思っていましたが、2003年に最初のnieves本となるAndro WekuaとRita Ackermannの「chapter 2」を手掛けたことでそのアイデアは大きく変わりました。今は僕たちの雑誌は前ほど重要ではなく、本やzineシリーズを制作することのほうに焦点を向けています。zineシリーズを始めたのは去年からで、正しくはnieves zine seriesと言い、毎月3冊ずつ発行されるA5サイズの本のことです。



◎ 雑誌を作る時の重要なポイントや


◎ これまでのnievesの出版物で

シリーズを始めるきっかけとなった「chapter 2」ですが、PAMの本も大好きです。


◎ 今後の予定は?


◎ ありがとうございました。

nieves zine series (click to enlarge)

here and there
Yoshiyuki Hata