Masakatsu Shimoda Gt#001 #002 #003 #005
Gt #004 traveller. interview1 Buro destruct
Buro Destruct
The graphic design unit which is working Bern
in Switzerland at the base. MB, H1reber, Heiwid,
Moritz, and Lopetz constitute. While performing
the design activities which rooted in the area,
collaboration with an overseas designer, especially
Japan is also performed positively.
GENEVEtokyo asks to the swiss graphic unit "Buro Destruct" who just stop over in Tokyo
for their exhibitoin. We think it's very fascinating that you've been travelling around the world
for your exhibition entitled "StopOver", how many cities you have done so far?

For the "Buro Destruct II" book stop-over tour we did following cities until now: Bern, Zurich,
Tokyo, London and Manchester. We are discussing now more destinations like New York, Paris.

Since you guys love coming to Japan, we are bit surprised by hearing that it is actually the first time for you to do the exhibition in Japan.

Normaly we don't feel that our work should be treated and exhibited like art. So we won't fall into the image of artists. We are graphic designers, nothing else. But sometimes the border between graphic design and art is blurred. Especially for people who are interpreting our work. In the beginning of Buro Destruct we did a lot of exhibitions more than now but we thought why not doing an exhibition again. I love to visit Japan as much as I can. So in the last 4 yearsI came 4 times to Japan... It is maybe because it is one of the greatest contrast we can have. Compare to our hometown, Bern (capital of Switzerland) and Tokyo, I love to work in our small, cute, quiet and tidy city but sometimes I want to feel the completely opposite. Of course there is the mystery of another culture. We love the people in Japan because they are so attentively, friendly and sometimes curious. Even if there is a language barrier we think Swiss and Japanese people understand each other very well!

You are traveling in a lot besides this exhibition?

Yes, we had been to Europe, Asia and America. Especially, we liked the reactions in Asian countries most because the people are so interesting, open, friendly and sometimes very shy. The reaction in London was quite a contrast. People in Asia are more visual orientated. English people are interesting too but more reserved. Also German and Swiss people often try talking about our work in an intellectual way. I think that has a lot to do with each countries culture, it is interesting.

What's meaning "travel" for you?

Travelling is one of our main inspiration sources for our daily work. We think it is very important to see as much as possible from this planet during the short human life. There is a great music album out from the band called "chungking". Their album title is called "we travel fast". That is so true. Just think about the times without airplanes. It is a great pleasure for us that our work and our name has become a door-opener to visit various cities and meeting many interesting people around the globe. (interview with Lopetz)

Buro Destruct。今回の展覧会はタイトルが示すように世界中を旅するようです。

このツアーは僕らの作品集"Buro Destruct II"の出版を記念したもので、これまでにベルン、チューリッヒ、東京、ロンドン、マンチェスターをまわったよ。ニューヨークやパリにも回りたいと話してる最中なんだ。

◎日本での展覧会は今回が初めてなんですね? 日本好きで有名なだけに、意外でした。

僕たちの作品はアートとして扱われたり、展示されるべきじゃないと思ってるんだ。だって僕たちはグラフィックデザイナーであって、アーティストではないんだから。でも、グラフィックデザインとアートの境界線が曖昧なときだってもちろんある。特に僕たちの作品を解釈している人たちにとってはね。Buro Destructの活動を始めたばかりの頃は、実は今以上に展覧会を頻繁にやっていたんだよ。だから今回、またやろうと思ったんだ。日本には何度でも行きたいと思うね。この4年間で、4回も行ったし…。たぶん僕が日本を好きなのは、極端に対照的な国のひとつだからじゃないかな。僕たちの地元、ベルン(スイスの首都)は東京と比べると、小さくて、可愛くて、静かで、整然としている。この街で働くのがいいと思っているけど、でも時々、まったく正反対のことを思ったりもする。もちろん異文化に対する興味もあるわけだけど、僕らは、親切で、フレンドリーで、時に不思議な日本人が大好きなんだ。言葉の壁があったとしても、スイスと日本の人たちはお互いを良く理解し合えると思うよ。



◎旅はBuro Destructにとってどんなものなのでしょう?

僕らの作品創りにはかかせないインスピレーション。短い人生の中で、いろんな地球のものを可能な限り見ることは大事だと思う。"Chungking"というバンドが出した"We travel fast"というタイトルのアルバムがあるんだけど、まったくその通り。飛行機のおかげだね。僕たちの作品や名前がきっかけとなって、いろんな街に行ったり、世界中の面白い人たちに会えるなんて、本当にすばらしいことだと思っているよ。
1) drainage pit:
we found this very nice drainage pit in gotemba.
a small city close to mount fuji.

2) making picture:
that's how we did the photo .

3) swiss japanese friendship:
a nice combination of the famous matterhorn and
mount fuji and its trains leading to the bottom of
these mountains.


"Buro Destruct II"
$45.00 / euro39.90 / £26.99
Die Gestalten Verlag

ビュロ・デストラクトのショップ、Buro Discount。
Masakatsu Shimoda