Gt#001 #003 #004 #005
Gt #002 We love cinema. interview1 MIIKE TAKASHI
Film Director

Born in Osaka, Japan 1960.
There are "Dead or Alive 3: Final",
"Ichi the Killer","Katakurike no Kofuku",
"GOZU" etc, in his work.
1960年大阪生まれ。「DEAD OR ALIVE」シリーズ、
「殺し屋1」「カタクリ家の幸福」「極道恐怖大劇場・牛頭 GOZU」などの個性ある作品で海外からも注目を集める。
The film director Victor Erice, known for "The Spirit of the Beehive," makes one movie every 10 years. Takashi Miike, on the other hand, makes 5 movies a year in Japan. Though quantity does not always mean quality, Miike's movies have an impressive record of individual expression.

I am not trying to form a resistance, Says Miike. I had worked as Assistant Director (AD), at bottom of the very traditional studio system, for 10 years, and this experience helped me realize some of the weaknesses of the system. I've found a way to jump out of there, that's all.

His movies tend to be categorized Yakuza or violence films, but they reveal a certain tenderness from behind the camera.

I portray trash people. Losers. Maybe I'm one too. They struggle to live freely. Trying to understand these people is not so easy though, so I take care not to be arrogant.

He may prefer not to be called a modest guy, but he runs like an AD behind the scenes and is very flexible when it comes to the opinions of actors.

The role director represents a responsibility for every part of a movie, but a movie itself is a result of everybody's effort. So I have never thought this movie is all mine.

Do you sometimes watch your old movies again?

No, I don't. I am too afraid to see my craziness, to see that I may have lost it in getting old. Maybe I am not ready to see my works objectively while I am still in the midst of making them. When I retire, I would like to be the owner of a small bar in cold village. I don't know why it would be in cold place, but that is what I want, I think. I am so excited to be asked someday Hey, do you know Miike? by a big fan of the movies. I would probably answer Well, I am not sure. Or I'd maybe I'll sink into my old days watching videos alone. I think it would be great.

Is there anything particular that you are looking for next?

Not really. I still don't have my assertion yet, so I am looking for it by making movies. I actually became 42 years old recently, and it wakes me up to start to think about death. If I chased it seriously, my style and works would be changed somehow.

Will your works be milder?

Nope. I want to do whatever I can do because once is once.













GENEVEtokyo MIIKE 2004 T shirts(SOLD OUT)

GENEVEtokyo MIIKE 2003 T shirts (SOLD OUT)

GENEVEtokyo "GOZU" T shirts (SOLD OUT)